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Reproduction in Animals

Grade 7 Science Worksheets

Reproduction is a vital process in the survival of species and ensures that life continues to exist on our planet. In this article, we will explore the various ways in which animals reproduce and the different techniques that they use to ensure the continuation of their species. From sexual reproduction to asexual reproduction, we will cover the basics of animal reproduction and what makes it unique from species to species.

Table of Contents:

  • Modes of Reproduction
  • Sexual Reproduction
  • Asexual Reproduction
  • FAQs
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Modes of Reproduction

There are two modes of reproduction in animals – sexual and asexual.


reproduction in animals


Sexual Reproduction

Sexual reproduction is a way for animals to make offspring by combining genetic information from two parents. This process helps to mix up the genes and create genetic diversity in the offspring.

During sexual reproduction, male and female animals produce special cells called gametes. The male produces tiny cells called sperm, while the female produces larger cells called eggs or ova.

When a sperm and an egg fused together, they create a new organism with a unique combination of genetic information from both parents. This process is called fertilization.

Sexual reproduction helps ensure the survival of a species by creating genetic diversity. This diversity can make the species better adapted to changes in its environment, such as diseases or changes in climate.

Overall, sexual reproduction is an important process in the life cycle of many animals, as it helps to keep their species strong and healthy.

There are two main types of sexual reproduction in animals: internal fertilization and external fertilization.

Internal fertilization occurs when sperm and eggs meet inside the female’s body. This type of reproduction is common in terrestrial animals and some aquatic animals, such as sharks, reptiles, birds, and mammals.

Internal fertilization allows for the development of a protective structure around the developing embryo, such as a shell, placenta, or amniotic sac. It also enables parents to care for their offspring, which can increase the likelihood of their survival.

External fertilization occurs when sperm and eggs meet outside the female’s body. This type of reproduction is common in aquatic animals, such as fish and amphibians.

External fertilization usually requires large numbers of gametes to be released into the water simultaneously, which increases the chances of fertilization. However, this also means that the offspring are not protected by a protective structure, and many do not survive due to predation, lack of oxygen, or other environmental factors.

Some animals, such as sea turtles, use a combination of internal and external fertilization. The female lays eggs on the shore, where they are fertilized by the male. This allows for some protection of the developing embryos while still allowing for the production of large numbers of offspring.

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Asexual Reproduction

Asexual reproduction is a way for animals to make offspring without involving the fusion of sperm and eggs from two different parents. Instead, a single individual can produce offspring that are genetically identical to itself.

There are several different ways that asexual reproduction can occur in animals, including budding, fragmentation, and self-fertilization.

Budding is when a small part of an animal breaks off and develops into a separate, identical organism. This is common in certain species of jellyfish and corals.

Fragmentation is when an animal breaks into two or more pieces, and each piece develops into a separate, identical organism. This is seen in some species of sea stars and other invertebrates.

Self-fertilization is when an individual produces offspring using only its own genetic material, without the need for a mate. This is rare in animals, but can occur in some species of snails and other invertebrates.

While asexual reproduction can help an animal quickly produce a large number of offspring, it can also limit the genetic diversity of the species over time. This can make the species less adaptable to changes in its environment, such as disease or changes in climate.

Overall, asexual reproduction is an interesting and important aspect of the biology of some animals, but it is also different from sexual reproduction in many ways.


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Reproduction in Animals FAQS

What is the purpose of reproduction in animals?

The primary purpose of reproduction in animals is to ensure the survival of their species by producing offspring that can continue the cycle of life.

How does sexual reproduction work in animals?

Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of gametes from two individuals, which creates a new organism with a unique combination of genetic information from both parents. The male produces sperm, while the female produces eggs or ova. When a sperm and an egg join together, they form a fertilized egg, which develops into a new individual.

How does asexual reproduction work in animals?

Asexual reproduction is a way for animals to make offspring without involving the fusion of sperm and eggs. Instead, a single individual can produce offspring that are genetically identical to itself. This can occur through methods such as budding, fragmentation, or self-fertilization.

What are the benefits of sexual reproduction?

Sexual reproduction provides several benefits, including the creation of genetic diversity in offspring, which can help the species better adapt to changes in the environment. Additionally, sexual reproduction can also help prevent the accumulation of harmful mutations.

What are the benefits of asexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction allows an individual to quickly produce a large number of offspring, which can be advantageous in certain environments. It also eliminates the need for a mate and the energy that would be expended in finding one.

Are there any drawbacks to asexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction can limit the genetic diversity of a species, making it less adaptable to changes in the environment, such as disease or changes in climate. Over time, this lack of diversity can put the species at risk for extinction.

What are some examples of animals that reproduce sexually?

Many species of animals reproduce sexually, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish.

What are some examples of animals that reproduce asexually?

Some examples of animals that reproduce asexually include certain species of jellyfish, sea stars, and snails.

Kathleen Currence is one of the founders of eTutorWorld. Previously a middle school principal in Kansas City School District, she has an MA in Education from the University of Dayton, Ohio. She is a prolific writer, and likes to explain Science topics in student-friendly language. LinkedIn Profile

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