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Web Designing Programming

Web Designing Tutoring Online For Grades 6-12 – Learn HTML, CSS & JavaScript

Learn Web Designing from the Experts at eTutorWorld through our Web Designing Tutoring Program.

Students in Grades 6-12 can enroll in the program and learn computer languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in detail.

The Programs are categorized into 2 levels and each level spans up to 20 sessions each.

Join the program today by clicking the button below and scheduling a FREE session with one of our tutors.


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Web Designing

Want to create a website? You can do it. Web designing is easy if you know a web design language such as CSS and HTML and if you understand the nuances related to the creative aspect of a website’s design. The world today is working through websites. While some brands are using them as a showcase of their services there are millions of brands that are selling through websites.

Web Designing

GRADES – 6 to 12


  • Introduction to Web Designing
  • HTML Styles, Colors and Formatting
  • HTML Links and Images
  • HTML Tables
  • HTML Lists
  • HTML Frames and Iframes, Classes & ID
  • HTML Block Elements and Inline Elements
  • HTML Forms
  • HTML Single Page Website – Project
  • HTML – Multiple Pages Website – Project


  • Introduction to CSS
  • CSS Box Model
  • CSS for Fonts, Links and Lists
  • CSS Positioning
  • CSS Text Flow
  • CSS Transparency / Opacity
  • CSS Shadow
  • CSS Animations
  • CSS Transitions
  • Project using CSS – Responsive Image Gallery


Web Designing

GRADES – 6 to 12


  • Introduction to HTML5
  • New Tags in HTML5 – Semantic Tags
  • New Tags in HTML5 continued
  • HTML5 Audio and Video
  • HTML5 Canvas and SVG


  • CSS3 – Responsive Web Design
  • CSS3 – Flexbox
  • CSS Navigation Bar
  • Gradients and Rounded Corners in CSS3
  • Project based on CSS3


  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Variables in JavaScript
  • Operators in JavaScript
  • JavaScript Conditional Statements
  • JavaScript Loops
  • Functions in JavaScript
  • JavaScript String Manipulation and Dates
  • JavaScript Arrays
  • JavaScript Pop Boxes and Events
  • Project – Digital Clock in Javascript


Web Designing Program Levels

eTutorWorld has an exciting web development program that has two levels of 20 sessions each. It takes you through the basics and details of HTML5 and then proceeds to teach you CSS3 before winding up the course with lessons on JavaScript.

Web Designing Course’s lesson plan has been created by web designing experts with inputs from experienced educators. The framework is open to customization according to individual learning requirements. eTutorWorld’s Web Design Course is your key to a future in programming and web design.

Reasons to Learn Web Design

  1. It is an exciting subject and is surprisingly easy to master.
  2. It is an in-demand skill that can result in a successful career.
  3. It enhances planning, thinking, and communication abilities.
  4. It helps students collaborate technical skills with creativity to produce extraordinary results.

Why eTutorWorld for Web Desiging Tutoring Course?

  • One-on-One Learning Sessions
  • Customized Lesson Plans
  • Live 55-minute Sessions
  • Regular Assessments
  • Recorded Sessions

No credit card required. No obligation to purchase

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