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Technology is an Applied Science

Grade 8 Science Worksheets

Pure Science and Applied Science

Science explains how and why certain phenomena happen in the universe. It is often referred to as Natural Science or Basic Science or Pure Science. The technology uses this scientific knowledge to make practical applications that work and are useful to society. Technology is therefore an application of science or an Applied Science.

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Science is applied to many fields of technology.

These are some broad areas to which technology is applied, along with some examples of application –

  • Aerospace (aircraft, spacecraft, satellites, space exploration)
  • Agriculture (fishing, forestry, genetic engineering)
  • Computing (computer software, artificial intelligence, cryptography, internet)
  • Engineering (chemical, electrical, mechanical, computers)
  • Energy (nuclear, wind, solar)
  • Health (biotechnology, medicine)
  • Industry (machines, manufacturing, robotics)
  • Transport (automobile, motorcycle, bicycle, rail)

Working in Technology

Exactly how is scientific knowledge applied in order to develop technology? This is where a Technological Design Process comes in. The technological design process is similar to the process of making a scientific inquiry.

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You may solve these worksheets by yourself or with your peers while studying together.

The Answer Key at the end of each worksheet allows for a self-evaluation.

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Technology Skills

Working in technology demands several skills and aptitude, some of which are outlined below.

  1. Analytical skills to research a topic, understand the feasibility, and draw conclusions from research results
  2. Science skills to break down a complex scientific system into smaller parts, recognize cause and effect relationships, and defend opinions using facts
  3. Math skills to be able to perform calculations and measurements
  4. Attention to detail, ability to follow instructions, write specifications and record data accurately
  5. Technical skills to identify and troubleshoot the source of a problem, repair a machine, or debug a computer system
  6. Computer capabilities to read and stay current on subjects and topics relevant to your field of technology

Apart from academic skills, people in technology also require several “Soft Skills” such as –

  1. Innovation, imagination and creativity skills
  2. Communication and cooperation skills
  3. Visioning and brainstorming skills
  4. Leadership and organization skills

Technology is an exciting field to work and excel in, and has a close relationship with scientific inquiry. Just as science opens up possibilities for new technologies, in the same manner, new technologies open up newer areas for scientific inquiry.

Check Point

  1. The field of explaining how and why certain phenomena happen in the universe is referred to as ______ science.
  2. Using scientific knowledge to make practical applications which work is the field of ______.
  3. Which of these is NOT an area of technology?
    1. Aerospace
    2. Computing
    3. Health
    4. Fine arts
    5. Transport
  4. The ability to research a topic, understand the feasibility, and draw conclusions from research results is an ______ skill.
  5. The ability to follow instructions write specifications, and record data accurately requires ______.

Answer Key

  1. Natural, Basic or Pure
  2. Technology
  3. d) Fine arts
  4. Analytical
  5. Attention to detail

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Tutoring Package Validity Grade (1-12), College
5 sessions 1 Month $139
1 session 1 Month $28
10 sessions 3 months $269
15 sessions 3 months $399
20 sessions 4 months $499
50 sessions 6 months $1189
100 sessions 12 months $2249

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