(628)-272-0788 info@etutorworld.com

We at eTutorWorld are very excited to be featured by one of Huffington Post‘s bloggers! Here’s a snippet of what they have to say in their article titled ‘Grade Level Tutoring – How to Make the Most of it’:

“One of the toughest challenges when it comes to online education is finding the right tutor match for a student. Most online education sites will have chosen their tutors after a careful selection process, but not many offer a pre-assessment diagnostic test to figure out individual student needs so as to match with the right tutor. eTutorWorld has recognized the need for such a feature – this tool or test is part of the initial free lesson, helping both the student and the tutor figure out skill levels and focus areas for each student, so as to tailor the tutoring experience for the best learning outcomes for each student.”

eTutorWorld has already been reviewed by review sites such as TopTenReviews and No1Reviews. We are incredibly thrilled to be getting the support of these sites and publications, and we have our tutors and students to thank for this honor. We aim to be grow in our strengths in online tutoring, and that can be possible only with all your encouragement and continued engagement.

And if you haven’t liked us on Facebook or followed us on Twitter, now is the time to do so!

Please drop us a line here in the comments or by email to contact@etutorworld.com should you have any comments or questions. We will be only too happy to respond!