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As we approach International Women’s Day, it’s an opportune moment to engage our children in meaningful conversations and activities that celebrate the remarkable women in our lives and throughout history. This day isn’t just about acknowledging the achievements of prominent figures; it’s also about instilling in our children a deep appreciation for the power and resilience of women from all walks of life. 

In this blog, we’ll explore 5 ways to celebrate International Women’s Day with kids. We’ll focus on creating lasting memories together. Let’s celebrate inspiring women and encourage our children to promote positive change.

What is International Women’s Day? 

It’s a special day celebrated worldwide on March 8th to honor women’s incredible achievements and contributions throughout history and in contemporary society. It’s a day to recognize the diverse roles women play in our lives, from being leaders and innovators to caregivers and community builders.

5 ideas to celebrate International Women’s Day with kids

To kick off our celebration of International Women’s Day, let’s encourage our children to start by extending a warm greeting to all the remarkable women in their lives!

1. Stories and Female-Centric Animation Movies:

One fantastic way to celebrate is by immersing themselves in captivating stories and female-centric animated movies. Classics like “Frozen” and “Moana” have captured their hearts with their strong female leads, and exploring other empowering tales and novels can further inspire and empower them. From powerful stories like “Mulan” and “Brave” to timeless novels such as “Anne of Green Gables” and “Little Women,” encourage your children to dive into a world of imagination and empowerment. 

These stories not only entertain but also teach valuable lessons about courage, resilience, and the power of women to shape their own destinies. Encourage your children to embrace this journey of storytelling and celebration, igniting their imaginations and nurturing their appreciation for the strength and diversity of women’s experiences.

2. Engaging and Creative Artwork:

Engage your children in a creative and enjoyable activity that celebrates the women around them. Encourage them to express their appreciation through drawing, painting, or crafting artwork dedicated to the influential women in their lives. This hands-on approach not only fosters creativity but also allows your children to convey their gratitude in a meaningful way. 

Additionally, involve them in baking or cooking a special dish together to celebrate the occasion. Whether it’s a family recipe passed down through generations or baking cakes, this collaborative cooking experience provides a fun and delicious way for your children to honor and celebrate the women who have positively impacted their lives. Through these engaging activities, your children will not only develop their artistic skills but also gain a deeper appreciation for the significant contributions of women in their lives and society as a whole.

3. Express Gratitude Through Handwritten Letters:

Encourage your children to reflect on their feelings about the women around them and express their gratitude in a heartfelt way. Encourage them to draft handwritten letters expressing their wholehearted gratitude to the women in their lives, such as their mother, sister, grandmother, and other influential figures in their community. This activity engages them in thoughtful reflection and allows them to convey. 

By expressing their gratitude through handwritten letters, your children will strengthen their bonds with the women in their lives and develop a deeper sense of empathy and appreciation for the love and support they receive.

4. Share Inspiring Stories of Women:

Share inspiring stories of the great achievements of women throughout history, as well as everyday stories of the remarkable women in your child’s life. Discuss the accomplishments of influential female figures who have broken barriers and made significant contributions to society. From trailblazers like Marie Curie and Rosa Parks to modern-day heroes like Malala Yousafzai and Serena Williams, these stories inspire courage and resilience in your children. 

Additionally, share everyday stories of strength and perseverance from the women closest to them, such as their mother, grandmother, or other family members. Highlighting the achievements and struggles of these women helps your children understand the concept of empowerment and appreciate the diverse roles women play in shaping their lives and the world around them. 

5. Host a Women’s Day Dinner Party:

Host a Women’s Day dinner party in your community to celebrate with your child and their friends. Invite friends, family members, and neighbors to join the celebration, creating a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone can unite to honor and appreciate the women in their lives. 

During the dinner party, engage your child in conversations about the importance of gender equality and female empowerment and encourage them to share their thoughts and experiences with their peers. By participating in this communal celebration, your child gains a deeper understanding of the importance of Women’s Day and the role they can play in advocating for gender equality and supporting women in their community. 


Celebrating Women’s Day with kids is a chance to teach them about respect, kindness, and equality. Through fun activities and learning experiences, children learn to appreciate women’s achievements and support gender equality. Let’s celebrate Women’s Day with excitement, inspiring kids to make the world a better place for everyone.

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