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School is out for summer. Time to rejoice, right? However, you now have to think of fun and engaging activities that’ll keep your kids productively occupied for the whole of 10 weeks!

Parents, sitters, and older siblings are always looking for additional and fascinating things to do with their younger ones during the summer months.


Other than this, the summer break is also a great time to enhance your child’s skills that cannot be done during busy school days. Learning a new language, learning to play a musical instrument, polishing your dribbling skills or even improving your child’s STEM skills are some engaging activities. Here are a few options to enhance your STEM skills this summer:


1. Perform simple science experiments at home: Companies such as Scholastic and Science for Kids offers families experiments, games, and reading opportunities to help students to practice educational skills online. Small and safe home science experiments are a great way to boost your child’s curiosity.


2. Join a Science club at school or a library: Gather information on summer activities and programs beyond the school year offered by the library or the Science Club. Science clubs also send information home for summer practice. The library often-times provides government or city-funded enrichment activities on a weekly basis. Kids can use the library technology if they do not have access at home. Free and reduced priced offerings to children in surrounding communities allow for fun and affordable learning.


3. Visit a science museum/planetarium/park: Many museums and planetariums provide summer programs where online components are encouraged and used daily. These locations also have a plethora of information and resources for furthering knowledge and reviewing scientific terms or experiments. Neighborhood nature parks have activities via in-person where students can learn about the individual subjects science, technology, engineering, and math as well as incorporating all of the subjects through play and more formalized lessons.


4. Enroll for an Online Summer Program: For students who like to learn from the comfort of their homes, online Summer Courses and programs are the answer. Online tutoring websites such as eTutorWorld provides flexible and personalized summer courses to K-12 students to prepare themselves for the coming school year and beyond. Start with a free trial and then move on to a premium summer program which includes personalized work plans, tests, 1-to-1 lessons, and varying STEM activities.


5. Watch TV/YouTube/Netflix shows/programs about science, science fiction and technology: With the advent of technology, watching STEM related television programs is one of the easiest ways to make sure kids are attentive for longer than a few minutes. For YouTube and Netflix, you can choose family-centric programs on different educational subjects and genre. Students of all ages can watch video series relating to their levels of understanding. For younger kids a show titled “Sid The Science Kid” is a great place to start. Middle school students would be more interested in “Bill Nye The Science Guy“. Both middle and high school students would be interested in Netflix and television shows such as “Stranger Things” and “The Big Bang Theory“.


6. STEM Summer Camps: Local college campuses, community centers, science and arts locations such as an I-Max Theatre have summer camps where students can attend Summer Camps in-person or online portals for experimentation and directions. These community programs help extend the school curriculum by assisting students with online formats to enhance learning through science, technology, engineering, and math.

Though summers are meant to be lazy, they can be fun and constructive too with a countless options to learn, participate and collaborate your learning with new friends and old!